Sleep Overs Child Youth Pull Up Underwear


Sleep Overs Youth Disposable Pull Up Underwear are designed to meet the needs of older children with moderate to heavy absorption prevalent in children between ages of 5 to 7 years old.

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Sleep Overs Child Youth Pull Up Underwear

Designed to meet the needs of older children with moderate to heavy nocturnal enuresis (nighttime incontinence episodes) which is most prevalent in children between the ages of 5 to 7 years old.

Manufactured by First Quality Products, this heavy absorbency Pull Up Youth Diaper will provide the wearer with maximum wetness protection.

Product Sizes and Packaging:

  • Small / Medium – 45 to 65 lbs. – 15 per bag – 4 bag case – 60 diapers per case
  • Large – 65 to 84 lbs. – 15 per bag – 4 bag case – 60 diapers per case
  • X-Large – 85 to 140 lbs. – 22 per bag – 4 bag case – 88 diapers per case

It can be a challenge when your child wants to spend the night at a friend or family member’s home but isn’t completely able to hold his or her bladder during sleep. According to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), moderate to heavy urinary leakage can be prevalent in children between the ages of 4 to 7 years old and sometimes up to 10.

Sleep Overs Youth Pants by Cuties allow your child to get through the night comfortably without any fuss or mess. The quality material and construction offer potty independence until your child’s bladder is ready for the next phase of underpants.

Features for Sleep Overs Youth Pants include:

  • Tag-less back label
  • Discreet, effective absorbent core
  • Dual leg cuffs for leakage protection
  • Gentle, hypoallergenic liner with aloe & vitamin E for skin support
  • New soft, smooth side panels for a secure, discreet, underwear-like fit

Sleep Overs Youth Pants by Cuties are designed with similar comfort, support, and ease of big kid underwear. Your child can easily put Sleep Overs Youth Pants under his or her pajamas for a worry-free night and if at a sleepover, can simply dispose of them in the morning so no one will know.

Additional information

Select a Size

Small/Medium, 36-65 lbs., Large/X-Large, 65-125 lbs., X-Large, 85-140 lbs.

Choose Quantity

Bag of 12 each, Bag of 15 each, Bag of 22 each, Case of 48 (4 Bags/12), Case of 60 (4 Bags/15), Case of 88 (4 Bag/22)


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